Poor Jeb Bush.
The 63-year-old Republican presidential hopeful has been a constant target of
opponent Donald
Trump, 69, who takes great glee in pointing out his rival’s incredibly low
energy campaign. If things couldn’t go any worse for the beleaguered
candidate, the website that should be the flagship of his campaign actually
directs people over to The Donald’s instead! Talk about things going from bad
to worse! Read on for how this crazy situation happened! Jeb’s campaign has
been nothing but one misstep after the next ever since he announced his
candidacy in June 2015. Unfortunately for him, an Australian company bought the
domain name http://www.jebbush.com
back in 1997 and it remained dormant until Oct. 2015, when it suddenly started
redirecting online users to DonaldJTrump.com. Donald has denied that he had
anything to do with the situation and it remains a mystery how it happened, but
it’s yet another black eye for poor Jeb. Get Donald Trump’s book “Crippled America: How To Make
America Great Again” by clicking right here.