Thursday, 11 February 2016


Snowstorm creates pancake supper problems on Shrove Tuesday

The fallout from Monday's blizzard is causing religious complications as some churches move their annual pancake day meals into Lent. At least eight churches have cancelled or postponed their suppers to another day, according to CBC Nova Scotia's Storm Centre. Bethany United Church in Halifax will hold its meal on Wednesday. It's a bit awkward, says minister Kevin Little, given the Shrove Tuesday meal is supposed to be the last feast before Lent.
The next day, Ash Wednesday, is the beginning of sober reflection on faith and life, he says. "So having this big meal on Ash Wednesday kind of undercuts that," he said. Many Christians give up some kind of luxury during Lent, which runs until Easter Sunday. But although Christian theology doesn't match the prospect of a pancake supper after Shrove Tuesday, Little says it's important the event go ahead. "Rituals, as important as they are, take a secondary place to human beings and their real needs," he said. "I think in this case the real need of people is to spend time together and to be together."

Sausages were thawing

There are also some very practical reasons to make sure the church's pancake day goes ahead. "The sausages were thawing and they have to be cooked or else," Little said. "It would be a terrible waste to let them go, so we wanted to go ahead with it. Little expects 50 to 75 people to show up to the pancake supper on Ash Wednesday. The only thing different will be grace. "I will indicate to people that Lent has already begun and so we're going to feast and we do understand it's a day late," he said. "But on the other hand we are now in this period of reflection. So the grace will reflect that we are called upon to go into these 40 days with some reflection."